Our Mission
CLEARway’s goal is to change lives for the better. We strive to open up doors for the young and underprivileged, not only by preparing them for the future through education, but also by providing care to ensure that they are safe and taken care of in the present.
CLEARway will start in India. While the state of education in the country has improved significantly in the last decade, UNICEF still reports very low school readiness throughout all ages. Furthermore, half of primary school going children, around 25 million students, are not receiving grade appropriate education. Proposed solutions include quality education and focus on education from a younger age. This is why CLEARway will focus on bringing the fundamentals of English to Bengali-speaking schoolchildren who haven’t gotten a thorough education in the language.
We will also be reaching out in the healthcare industry, working to provide essential vaccines and other basic healthcare needs that are too often overlooked in India’s lowest income classes. While modernized and wealthier places in India have an extremely competent healthcare system, there is a sharp contrast when looking at the options for the less wealthy, broken down facilities with little hope of providing adequate care to those who so desperately need it. In accordance with the WHO theme of 2018, “Universal Health Coverage-Everyone, Everywhere,” CLEARway aims to fill in the gaps left by this system.
Finally, our members will conduct and participate in research studies in a variety of fields, centered around education and healthcare for the underprivileged but also allowing them to follow their own more specific passions while contributing to the betterment of peoples’ lives.